
CD Musik


Autor:Shore, Howard [Komponist]
Titel:The Lord of the Rings Soundtrack
Titelzusatz:The Motion Picture Trilogy
Verfasserangabe:Komponist: Howard Shore
Erschienen:New York : Reprise Records, 2003. - 3 CDs
Preis:15,99 Euro
Standort:CD-Film Shor
Schlagwort(e):CD-Film ; Soundtrack
Annotation:Die Trilogie enthält die schönsten Lieder zu den Filmen: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers und The Return of the King.


Mediennr Zweigstelle Standort Status Aktion
20028550 Stadtbücherei CD-Film Shor verfügbar


CD 1
1. The Prophecy
2. Concerning Hobbits
3. The Shadow of the Past
4. The Treason of Isengard
5. The Black Rider
6. At the sign of the prancing pony
7. A Knife in the Dark
8. flight to the ford
9. many meetings
10. Enya The Council of Elrond
11. the ring goes south
12. a journey in the dark
13. the Bridge of Khazad Dum
14. Lothlorien
15. The Great River
16. Amon Hen
17. The Breaking of the Fellowship
18. Enya May it be
CD 2
1. foundations of stone
2. the taming of Sméagol
3. the riders of Rohan
4. The passage of the Marshes
5. The Uruk-hai
6. the King of the Golden Hall
7. The Black gate is closed
8. Evenstar feat. Isabel Bayrakdarian
9. The White Rider
10. Treebeard
11. The Leave Taking
12. Helm's Deep
13. The forbidden pool
14. Breath of life featuring Sheila Chandra
15. The Hornburg
16. Forth Eorlingas feat. Ben del Maestro
17. Isengard Unleashed feat. Elizabeth Fraser & Ben del Maestro
18. Samwise the brave
19. Gollum's Song performed by Emiliana Torrini
CD 3
1. A storm is coming
2. Hope and Memory
3. Minas Tirith feat. Ben del Maestro
4. The white tree
5. the steward of Gondor feat. Billy Boyd
6. Minas Morgul
7. the Ride of the Rohirrim
8. twilight and shadow feat. Renée Fleming
9. Cirith Ungol
10. Andúril
11. Shelob's Lair
12. Ash and Smoke
13. the fields of the Pelennor
14. Hope fails
15. the black gates opens feat. Sir James Galway
16. The end of all things feat. Renée Fleming
17. The Return of the King feat. Sir James Galway, Viggo Mortensen and Renée Fleming
18. The Grey Havens feat. Sir James Galway
19. Into the West performed by Annie Lennox

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