


Onleihe 24/7
Autor:Ben-Atar, Yeuda
Titel:Learning Songwriting: Ableton Live
Erschienen:LinkedIn, 2014. - 01:09:58.00
Zusammenfassung:Everyone writes songs in their own way. Some start with a melody or a beat; some begin with a lyric. Whatever your starting point, you need to get your ideas down quickly, and then polish them into songs that are worth sharing: on the web, with songwriting partners, or even with publishers. This short course is all about using Ableton Live to do just that. Yeuda Ben-Atar demonstrates his techniques for writing, recording, and mixing a song in Ableton Live in just one hour. He starts from an empty Ableton Live project, and then he creates a beat, lays down additional software and real-instrument tracks, and adds effects and automation. Next, he records vocals and mixes the track with effects like EQ, compression, reverb, and delay. Finally, he shows how to bounce down the track and share your song with the world. So dive in and learn to capture your musical ideas before inspiration fades. Make sure to check out our other Songwriting courses here.


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