


Onleihe 24/7
Autor:O'connor, Liza
Titel:A Ghost Walker's Love Story
Erschienen:Draft2Digital, 2019
Zusammenfassung:Alice is a ghost walker: an ordinary person capable of separating her soul from her body. Unlike her fellow ghost walkers, she uses her ability to help protect the world from terrorists and madmen. Finding an FBI agent that she trusts, she supplies the information needed to stop several atrocities from occurring. She believes she is safe from discovery. However, agent Jack Callaghan finds her with clever sleuthing and romances her with pure intent. Unfortunately, their unexpected union brings wrath down upon them from all sides. Her fellow ghost walkers believe she has betrayed their code of secrecy, the director and fellow agents question Jack's commitment to the agency, and want Alice brought in so they can discover how she disappears at will. In this maelstrom of betrayals, Alice uncovers the truth about the three men who claim to love her and discovers which one holds true. Warning:Alice is so dedicated to stopping terrorists that she will let nothing get in her way, not even when she discovers her body is being used against her will. Since she's not in her body when this happens, saving lives remains far more important!


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